Monday, October 20, 2008

Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

My adventure in letterpress printing began last fall when I saw some gorgeous greeting cards on one of my favourite blogs (it was either or design*sponge) and was curious about how they were made. A visit to the website of the vendor, Lynn Russell of Satsuma Press had me hooked. 

That was the fall of 2007. In the spring of 2008 I discovered Don K. Black Linecasting Service who put me in touch with Larry Thompson in Merrickville, Ontario and he introduced me to the Ottawa Press Gang. I took a one-day workshop he and Steve Quick hosted and another 2-day workshop with Margaret Lock of Locks' Press in Kingston, Ontario. I felt an affinity to the process and in June 2008 I bought a reconditioned, vintage press - a Kelsey Excelsior circa 1940. 

I also took part in a One Day Wonder - a group of us wrote, typeset, printed and bound approximately 60 copies of an 8-page book at Thee Hellbox Press, private press of book artist Hugh Barkley. In one day. It was a riot! 

Since then I have been sourcing all the materials and services I need to begin producing a line of stationery and papergoods. Some will be my design and illustration work and other times I will use illustrations and design supplied by other people and do their printing. The learning curve has been steep but I'm loving every minute of it. OK, except for the brokerage fees on international orders for supplies!

So now I have ink, paper and printing plates made from my illustrations. I'm ready to start! As I try my wings at this, I invite you to pop by here and take a look. Say hello even? 

Have a fabulous day.


  1. How exciting! I've already put your blog on my favourites so I can follow along.

  2. Hello Gina,

    Excited for you in this new venture! Can't wait to see some of your work posted.

    No pressure LOL.

    Do you think you'll have cards for sale for the Holiday season?


  3. Good for you! To heck with Command-P, and on to more pressing matters! Good luck and I hope to see your work in circulation and selling well. You've earned it!

  4. I think your work and your press are great, and i´ve never seen people use this old presses, i got to say it gives a great style to the prints that you dont see this days, love your work

  5. Hi Crazy Cat - thanks for stopping by! Been a but if a lull as I took care of some other things in my life but I am about to get back to printing shortly.
